Sportfishermen in Bredene do not come empty-handed at home! It could be fished from a boat at sea, from the beach or breakwater, along a canal - or brook - bank, in small ponds and - why not - just into town. Every angler finds a suitable place. And the fish bites well. At diverse locations there are especially for sportfishermen parking spaces and angling places installed, and also for disabled people. In the angling store around the corner you find fishing tackle (also to let) and fish bait, and you could get information over there.
Sport fishing is connected to certain regulations. To float into the water you need next to the rural sport angling permit, depending on the kind of fishing water and the administrator, a permit.
Sea fishery is free. In the fishing zone, the coastal waters and the sea area you need for fishing with rods no fishing permit. In the coastal waters there is a limitation of (maximum) two fishing rods. Fishing with a bob or smelt rig is in the coastal water also free, provided that the fishing law is rested with the state. If someone else owns the fishing law than a permit for bob or smelt rig is obliged.
Strandvisserij en hengelen op het strand is verboden op onderstaande plaatsen en/of tijdstippen:
a) in de zones die door het gemeentebestuur als badzone worden aangeduid en dit vanaf 1 juni tot en met 15 september;
- deze zones worden aangeduid door middel van oranje of gele boeien en borden met pictogram;
- dit verbod geldt over de volledige lengte van het strand en de zee tussen de golfbrekers van bedoelde zone;
b) in de zone voor het beoefenen van het plankzeilen op zee (zoals omschreven in artikel 6.1.34);
c) in de zones voor vaartuigen (zoals omschreven in artikel 6.1.41).
De andere strandgebruikers mogen niet gehinderd worden door de activiteit van de hengelaar of diens lijnen of haken.
You could buy fishing maps of the aquatic sports areas in local tourist offices. You could find a lot of useful information about sports fishing in these.